I woke up to the white world. A couple of hours later it was raining again. Snow is pretty, but I’m not a fan and I actually enjoy watching it being washed off by the rain.
Anyway, that’s not the most important thing that’s on my mind this morning. I also woke up with the joyous thought that I still have some pierogi left over from yesterday and they’ll make a perfect lunch.
Yes, I’ve made pierogi. Or we’ve made pierogi as my husband was helping me with the work. It’s one of those foods that I could eat quite often, especially that you can stuff them with almost any leftovers you have.
I honestly thought that they will all break while cooking and will have a sort of pierogi soup, but they came out all perfectly whole and were delicious and caused lots of joy last night.
One of this year’s plans is to cook more Polish food and also become good in pierogi.
Other plans involve more reading and writing, also on here.
It’s hard coming back after such a long break, so I’ll keep it short.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!